BRAWLER ART - Michael Moreth

Artist Statement

Here are a couple of watercolor paintings I made. I hope you like them.

Michael Moreth

Michael Moreth is a recovering Chicagoan living in the rural, micropolitan City of Sterling, the Paris of Northwest Illinois.

Why we loved these:

Why Martheaus and Taylor Loved It (By Martheaus): these pieces all captured such an enticing pleasantness. One of my struggles with abstract art is trying to mandate a single meaning or vision. Let me paint this picture of how Taylor and I decide on art (see what I did there):

I pull up Michael’s art and we start our staring contest with each piece.

"Ooo, this one is called Accolade. I wonder if the purple bar is a pupil of the orange and reds," I say.

"Huh," Taylor gives me her confused face, "Martheaus, we're poets. We don't know shit about shit. I just like how calm this one makes me. And I don’t know how I can tell, but the artist clearly put so much thought into each stroke and that makes my heart happy."

She makes a fair point: I don't know jack. I will just say that the layering, the variety of autumn cool colors, and the clear impressions of a calm hand--exploring without a set image--all contributed to an ease of viewing.

Bonus note from Taylor: I don’t know shit about shit is one of my favorite phrases, but seriously, I’m not a modern art expert. That being said, these pieces just made my heart flutter and I feel like that’s good enough for me.


Elena Zhang


Romy Rhoads Ewing