NSFW Wish List

NSFW Wish List

Easter Egg Unlocked: Our NSFW Wish Lists


-I want a poem where the body of your ex/abuser/whoever hurt you turns into a dinosaur and then eats itself.

-Total slut for epigraphs TBH.

-Unfortunately I also really love genuinely endearing poems about ur lovers because I too, have a lover I genuinely adore.

-If you quote/mis quote from any type of holy text (ie: like the Bible lol) I will LOVE IT.

-Sneak a reference in about Mormons that only I can understand, I dare you.

-Surreal images even if they make no sense and don’t add to anything but are super sick? Inject them into my veins.

-I want it to feel like my hands are in your intestines.

-Poems that give off country murder ballad vibes where the lady kills her cheating ex


-Poems that call out your messiest aunt by name. We know exactly why Aunt Amy was shitfaced at the last reunion

-Poems that you wrote while incredibly high/drunk

-Sex poem disguised as Taco Bell Order. The greasier the better

-Absolutely dumpster fire hermit crab forms that no one else likes

-Weird logical jumps that make me sweat in spots I didn’t know could sweat

-As many fucking poems with as many fucking f-bomb as you can fucking fit

-Lyrics that embarrass people in power. Twist Donald Trump’s face into a urinal

-Stretch marks, scars, cystic acne: be as true about your body as you need to be

-Tasteful “N” word in poems (by Black authors only OBVIOUSLY)